Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lemons and Limes

While at Caldwell's Nursery, I also picked up an Improved Meyer Lemon and a Mexican Thornless Key Lime. They didn't look very good, but the price was right. The leaves on the lime were a few, and mottled green and yellow as if it needed to be fertilized or was suffering from some sort of mineral deficiency. Most likely nitrogen. It did have several little blooms, so hopefully all is not lost. I'll see if I can revive it with a little attention and Osmocote.

The lemon looked just OK, but it did have several small fruits beginning to grow. Hopefully they'll be ripe and ready in August. I haven't seen any more blooms, but more may appear as the tree becomes established. I planted both in large pots so I can bring them inside when it gets cold. They're supposed to be dwarf to semi-dwarf varieties that do well in containers, with fruit that makes excellent pies and margaritas.

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