Monday, May 12, 2008


The Endless Summer Hydrangeas we planted are really doing great! Three of them at the front of the house have some really pretty flowers. The first and third ones are blue and the second one is pink. The fourth hasn't bloomed, but I think it might need a little more time. Originally I wanted them to all be blue, but the pink one is really pretty. 

I do think it is odd that the plants next to each other aren't putting out the same color blooms. The color should be dependent on the pH of the soil. They are close enough together that I would have assumed they would be the same color...I guess I still have some things to learn about these particular flowers. For now I am just happy they are thriving and blooming. 


Warren Worthington IV said...

Charissa got some Bluebonnets for Jessica about a week ago and we already killed them. I guess we know who got the green thumb.

Unknown said...

I'm so impressed with your pickles. Save some for me when I come down!

Unknown said...

I'm so impressed with your pickles! Save some for me when I come down.