Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blackeyed Peas and Tomato Progress

The blackeyed peas (blackeyed and purple hulls) have been doing great! They've put out tons of pods. I've been picking and shelling a handful everyday.

After a week, I had a pound of fresh shelled peas. Dr. B doesn't like them, so I went to town.
What could be better than fresh blackeyed peas and hot buttered cornbread?
My grapes from are starting to ripen. These were a surprise because they were supposed to be a bronze grape, not purple. I had a bronze one ripen on one of the grapevines by the fence as well. They were both unbelievably delicious, with unique textures and potent flavors. You can really taste/feel the pectin (what makes it 'jelly'). Dr. B said it was like eating an eyeball. I loved them, and I can't wait for more. Hopefully next year the vines will all be established and they'll really start producing. I'm going to transplant the vine that I think tastes the best to an actual muscadine trellis this winter (vineyard style) over by the 5-gallon bucket tomatoes.
Speaking of which, the 5-gallon bucket tomato experiment is going very well. The photo above shows what they looked like shortly after transplanting, and the photo below shows how much they've grown in the short span of one month.

Almost all have flowers, and one of the Sweet Chelseas already has a little tomato. With any luck there will be a bumper crop this fall. Dr. B and I are hoping to make and can spaghetti sauce and salsa.